Originarios de Vancouver, Canadá, fueron un éxito instantáneo entre los punks de la música pop y los fanáticos de la moda de todo el mundo. Después de haber hecho sold outs en sus actuaciones en Japón, Canadá y Estados Unidos, el grupo con todos sus miembros originales, nos traen su infecciosa gira de crudo Power Pop a Europa.
Pointed Sticks
21:00 – Anticipated 10€
Those under 18 and over 16 can attend the show with the authorization of their legal representative or guardian. Click here to download the authorization. Minors under 16 years of age must attend the show with their legal representative or guardian or with a person over 18 years of age that they have authorized
No entry to persons under 18 years

Those under 18 and over 16 can attend the show with the authorization of their legal representative or guardian. Click here to download the authorization. Minors under 16 years of age must attend the show with their legal representative or guardian or with a person over 18 years of age that they have authorized
No entry to persons under 18 years
Pointed Sticks